

Dunes along the beaches, twisted and silvery olive trees, green tender almond trees with their tough branches, bluish junipers, red larches under the caresses of the sun.

As you arrive, you will inevitably fall in love: a moving picture that conveys empathy and colours … light. The light first of all.

The road is simple, clear, is ‘white’.

In a small cove on the coast, the rocks slapped and blinded by the sea create a panorama of stone and shine.

The landscape helps to distil us welfare, that welfare resulting from the places that give us harmony, vitality, uniqueness.

The sun, the sea, the sky, the wind that cleans the contours and alters perceptions, crystallizes and make deep the water and big the sky: all of which contribute to a very special brightness.

After crossing the little clove of an old Mountain and its dunes surrounded by the <i>Macchia Mediterranea</i>, here is the white sand beach that embraces the clear water of the Adriatic Sea in a fantastic cove.

The atmospheres are the ones I love, nature is both new and old, still “mine”.

These are the reasons that lead to the choice of the name White. The thousand radiant colours of our land, the strong identity with nature, are sons of the white conceived as a combination of other colours, intended as research, such as expansion of the senses.

It has just started the evolution to get back to basics.

Enojoy your senses… www.whiteostuni.it

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