Where were we…

Here we are. October brings away the summer. The first season of White is behind us. Its time to write analysis. We do not want to do it. Words dissolve. There remain the echos. Words escape. We think of what remains. We want to look at what has been done: we want to look your smiles, your dance moves, your eyes, your sips, we want to hear your laughter, your wishes, your claims. These are the things to take with you and carrying on. Because it is true, the season is over, but the word ‘end’ always implies a new beginning. After each point there will always be a page to write…a blank page.

Thanks thanks thanks for the many emotions that you have lived and you made us live. We set off again and again stronger and more aware but always with a ‘grain’ of unconsciousness.

Catch you very soon, summer 2014 just around the corner, behind the dunes .. just wait.

Meanwhile…enjoy your senses!

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