White Ostuni in Rome: a mythical night

The best way to live the life is what allows any sense of «enjoy his own good: the eye the beauty, the smell the pleasing, the hearing the melodic, the taste the good, the touch the bodily» wrote Gian Battista Marino in “The Adone”, inspired by Roman mythology. It is on this line of wisdom that the White Ostuni, on April 4, landed in the City, bringing the sensations of Apulia at Shari Vari.

Following a sensorial course, the evening is early started with a tasty aperitif: taralli, friselle, salted almonds and an excellent “negroamaro” wine were served at all the guests.

The eyes full of “White”. The white apulian ceramics, the images of sea casts on the wall, the white personalized glasses dominated the scene.

Everything speaks about Apulia. Even the music. The great Nico Rinaldi and Ciccio dB’s dj set and the voice of Gabriella, filled the baroque hall of Shari Vari inciting the guests to dance and to enjoy, with the hands in plain view, hands enlivened by the bracelets “made in carcere”, which were distributed at the entrance, giving emotions … and even t-shirts only white style.

Not only dj set but also live music. The famous roman band “Audio Magazine” played rhythm that range over Cuban coasts to Rio de Janeiro seafront, to come back at the sound that remember the old Italy. Over 500 people involved in this exotic rhythms that expressed appreciation singing sprightly, prompted by the euphoria of fun.

Everywhere smells of White Ostuni Beach Club. A great night lasted nine hours that has left a deep white mark in the heart of Rome.

WHITE ON TOUR – SHARI VARI ROMA 04 aprile 2014 from 2ld on Vimeo.


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