Sunday Lunch

There is one thing that unites apulian people on Sunday, which may also fall the world but woe betide anyone who touches it: the Sunday lunch. It is one of those rituals that goes far beyond just eating, it is part of that collective experience that spreads the smell of tomato in the alleys, always equal since childhood, telling local traditions.

The restaurant Tito Schipa offers, every Sunday, a delicious lunch menu, consisting of entrée, first course, main course and coffee at €25.00

Restaurant Tito Schipa is food and family: a cross between a beautiful cultural gathering and a restaurant from a well-known history. The wine list is among the best around and the food every time makes you swear that it is the Best Sunday lunch.
Gran Caffè Tito Schipa
Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 19-21
Ostuni (BR)
info: +39 0831 093465


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